
Errol is a youth worker in one of the U.K.’s most dangerous neighborhoods for gang violence. When this violence is brought home to the ‘club’ where Errol works, he remembers how he escaped the gang life himself. Intimately filmed with Errol and his family, Gangbreaker is a snapshot of a survivor of some of London’s meanest streets.

  • “[Kids Company] provides a lifeline to some of society’s most vulnerable and deprived young people, providing emotional and practical support to thousands each year.”  — U.K. Children’s Minister Beverley Hughes

Gangbreaker screened at festivals in the U.K. with the features Rage and Bullet Boy, and at venues including the following:

Clapham Picture House
Curzon Soho, London
Dulwich Festival — Winner, Best Documentary
Exploding Cinema, London
Film on Thursday, Catford
Final Cut, Brighton
Human Rights Nights, Bologna, Italy
Martini and Shorts, Shoreditch
One World Film Festival, Prague
Other Cinema, Central London
Peace and War, The Director’s Half Cut
Raindance Film Festival
Ritzy Cinema, Brixton
Shortwave Film Night, East London
Slightly Shady Cinema
United Nations Association Film Festival (US venues)
Urban Film Series, Washington, D.C. & Black History Month US-wide tour, February, 2007
Visionaria 2006, Siena, Italy