Sunny Intervals and Showers

  • Playing it for Real: Are we exploiting vulnerable people when we watch their lives unravel on TV?

    “Jonathan Goodman Levitt argues that the ‘fly-on-the-wall’ approach is far more effective in transmitting a message than ‘talking heads’ – in the same way that mental health education is known to work best when delivered by someone with first-hand experience.”

  • Digital Choices: BBC Storyville — Sunny Intervals and Showers

    “…in this unusual, often bold, insight into a life dominated by manic depression [Bipolar Disorder]…the filmmakers’ decision to take a non-judgmental approach allows us to take our own — possibly surprising — conclusions.”

  • Last Night’s TV: Till the Dark Depths Do Us Part

    “Life is life, life is filmed and life is what goes into the film,” said Allan, the subject of Sunny Intervals and Showers. If you believe it’s that simple then you’re crazy, but…”

  • Storyville: Sunny Intervals and Showers

    “Jonathan Goodman Levitt’s gentle film follows a year in the life of Dr. Allan Levi, a university professor who, when filming started, had just been suspended from work because of his manic depression…Leavened by humour, it is still a sobering demonstration of the everyday exasperations of living with mental illness.”

  • Is the Label Worse Than the Illness?

    “The intimate documentary, to be broadcast on BBC tonight, starts by showing an engaging, high-spirited man and his loyal wife struggling with his suddenly jobless state and diagnosis. Without giving away too much, the film illustrates how fragile even the most apparently sturdy relationships can be when someone is diagnosed with a mental illness. With the rate of diagnosis increasing, this raises important issues.”

  • Digital Pick of the Day: Sunny Intervals and Showers

    “Living with manic depression is one of the hardest thing to do, both for the person suffering from the illness and for their families. This important documentary is…almost too harrowing to watch and it is to the programme’s credit that it doesn’t shy away from tackling just how difficult…”